Bina Muwahhidin Foundation is a non-profit Islamic institution that dedicates its performance to the interests of Muslim communities, especially Muslim communities who live on the outskirts of which are experiencing a process of degradation (setback or decline). Degradation in both religious, educational, social, cultural and economic contexts.
Bina Muwahhidin Foundation was established in 2010. The donation programs that are being worked on by the Bina Muwahhidin foundation include: construction of mosques or Islamic boarding schools, construction of wells, donation for orphans, building libraries, distribution of manuscripts and Dawah programs. For the mosque foundation is the basis and focus for empowering the Muslim community.
– Serve Islam in accordance with the guidance of the prophet
Muhammad Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam
– Sreve the Muslims who are in need,
– Serve of Islamic civilization